Lauren Amrhein, one of my preservice teachers at The College of William and Mary, is a newbie to blogging. As an assignment, I had them create blogs and a Bloglines account at the same time. We searched for Edu Bloggers to add, of course I suggested a few of my favorites. They were then encouraged to build on the ideas of others on their blogs and then comment on the blog of whom they were inspired. Finally, I suggested linking back to the blog of the person whose ideas with which they resonated. So many of *you* have taken the time to encourage my students. I appreciate it so much! Getting comments from one of the heros that I had talked about in class allowed these teachers see the power of this medium for their students.
Lauren sent me this tonight.
Terry Friedman has linked her to his Blogs and articles about "Coming of Age: an introduction to the NEW worldwide web" (scroll to the bottom) as part of the excitement over the new book.
David Warlick talks about it on his site too as he is one of the featured authors.
It is through the encouraging these new teachers in their efforts to join the blogsphere and the guiding of them toward understanding why this is so important to the children they will have watch over-- that we will be able to see the principled changes in education we so desperately need. Thanks for helping me you guys. I mean that.
They linked to my blog!
Posted by: Sheryl | May 10, 2006 at 05:45 PM