I’ve been tagged by Jenny Luca to contribute to this meme. The idea is that you share 7 things about yourself that would be unknown to your readers.
1. Before I attended college at age 26, I managed health spas.
2. I first became interested in education when I was homeschooling my four children. Soon I was homeschooling my friend's children, which then turned into a small private school which then grew into a charter school, all while I was finishing my first education degree.
3. I was the youngest manager ever hired of all Long John Silver's company stores. I was 16 when I was made manager and had to get my employees to draw the beer because I was underage.
4. I left home at age 14 and never went back.
5. I am a big believer in random acts of kindness to strangers that they have no way of paying back.
6. I had my four children in birthing centers (one where the doctor didn't show and we delivered ourselves with no one in the room-he did arrive in time to cut the cord) or at home (again the midwife didn't show and we did it ourselves).
7. I was a vegetarian for ten years and previously lived on the US's largest successful commune (The FARM).
Now I am suppose to tag 7 people who will do the same thing I just did.
I tag:
Jamie Baker
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