While I will be sharing Part 3 & 4 of my keynote, (see previous posts) I didn't want to let too much time slip by before I bragged a little on Ohio! This seems very appropriate considering their outstanding win in last night's game.
Check out the pics from the breakout sessions!
On Thursday of this past week, 600 NBCTs gathered at the Ohio NBCT Policy Summit in Columbus. This unique event, hosted by an impressive coalition of state and national education organizations, brought NBCTs from Ohio together to generate specific public policy recommendations to promote the success of all students and eliminate the disparities in achievement among demographic groups. Policy makers need to hear what accomplished teachers say about the most vexing teaching and learning challenges confronting public schools. Ohio's NBCTs gave policy makers concrete, workable recommendations for state and local policies that will foster the conditions for high-quality teaching and learning for all students.
The day (agenda) included in-depth discussions and recommendations on educating high-needs students, closing all achievement gaps, and staffing high-needs schools. The NBCT Policy Summit was an opportunity for some of Ohio’s most accomplished teachers to make a difference for thousands of educators and the students and families they serve. It is hoped that through exploration of critical teaching and learning issues with peers from across the state, the participants will gained new information and will now build collegial networks beneficial to their practice and their school communities.
Breakout Topics
There were 10 breakout topics that were offered in 25 breakout sessions led by trained facilitators who were also NBCTs. This is where I come in. I had the privilege of helping these facilitators prepare for the task. These fantastic teachers truly rose to the occassion doing an incredible job of guiding participants through passionate discussions that resulted in well constructed policy recommendations that were shared in the afternoon session with a panel of policy makers.
I led the virtual training of the facilitators in Elluminate prior to the event with Melissa Rasberry of the Center for Teaching Quality and Randy Flora of the Ohio Education Association, leading them through the process which they used in the breakout sessions.
Randy Flora discusses plans for Policy Summit follow-up with participant.
All of the discussion and recommendations captured at the Summit will be considered in the compiling of a policy report that will be released in March of 2007 via the Ohio Education Association Web site.
This was the 5th NEA Summit I have helped to lead. Other states include: North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Washington State.
A copy of NC's policy report can be seen here. This will be a similar format to the report being developed for Ohio.
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