Frustrated I turned to my PLN on Twitter and asked--
* What about kids talking to each other and learning socially is so hard to "get"?
* Why is control such a huge part of school culture? Control of kids--control of teachers?
* Why do we not trust students and think if we are talking - they are learning?
* Why is restructuring the way we deliver curriculum so hard for teachers to accept?
Wisdom of the Crowds
I awoke this morning to their wisdom. I am so glad I have a PLN. I'd love to know your take to these questions as well. Please leave me a reply!
Laura O'Reilly
BoudiOReilly @snbeach Many teachers define learning as "agreement with me"
Laura O'Reilly
BoudiOReilly @snbeach because we have egos!
craigsteed @snbeach and then you realise, students/teacher dialogue (real dialogue) = learning = increased motivation = less 'need' for control.
craigsteed @snbeach students talking = teachr not "delivering" = loss of control, these all fit togethr. Secret, to realise studnts can learn togethr..
ZZenovka @snbeach Hard for me as a teacher to restructure due to a lack of administrative support. I'd love to do things differently!
craigsteed @snbeach (curriculum & control) I think it often stems from peoples own experiences from their education - hey it worked for them didn't it?
craigsteed @snbeach I also wonder why teachers feel they must have exams to motivate students - motivation does not come from control
adrianbruce @snbeach NB I also believe that All Generalisations Are Evil! :-)
adrianbruce @snbeach I also believe that the natural selection process of Ts and Executives mean that these people do well in the existing system.
adrianbruce @snbeach Ad's opinion re qustions-Structural Functionalists believe that the structures that exist in groups replicate & continue the group
Michelle Baldwin
michellek107 @snbeach we are discussing the "illusion of control" in schools- had a great conversation with district & bldg administrators yesterday
snobles @snbeach Or filled a school with teachers who had not thought about their own teaching ... really ever?
Carey Pohanka
capohanka @snbeach What would happen if we had a school filled with people who hated school for themselves?
Carey Pohanka
capohanka @snbeach I teach French (my passion) and Geo (hated as a student). I think I'm a better Geo teacher than French bc of that.
Carey Pohanka
capohanka @snbeach meaning, as students the old system worked for them.
Carey Pohanka
capohanka @snbeach Many teachers are the ones who were successful in the "old" way..teacher talks, they learn. If not, they wouldn't have liked school
Karen Richardson
witchyrichy @snbeach it's ALL about trust system doesn't trust teachers OR students so they try to script learning so it's teacher & student proof
Patrick Higgins
pjhiggins Icon_red_lock @snbeach great questions. Teachers have a hard time seeing the value in some forms of student-centered instruction.
Ian Nixon
inixon @snbeach School culture is the key word there. The curriculum architecture in a school also tells the story of why control is dominant.
cbearsolutions @snbeach When education is under siege, anything 'new' looks simply risky. (found you through @j_allen, nice to meet you)
Ed Allen
Horizons93 @snbeach Brilliant Sheryl! would say the answer is that change is feared and many, sadly think it is still 1978.
Susan Carter Morgan
scmorgan @snbeach Control--it's how they were taught. They have trouble seeing beyond their own experience.
Josh Allen
j_allen @snbeach Simply, too many teachers are control freaks and they won't give up control of that situation.
Karyn Romeis
karynromeis @snbeach I wish I knew the answers to all your questions. I keep asking them myself! And I'm not even a teacher!
Chad Lehman
imcguy @snbeach Is there a feeling that control is related to accountability?
Chad Lehman
imcguy @snbeach I think restructuring the curriculum is more difficult for administration to accept.
Jason Alley
jasonalley @snbeach Fear of the unknown and a feeling of obsolescence? I think your PLP model is a dynamic approach though. Seems rooted in E. Rogers.
Ernie Easter
ErnieEaster @snbeach First we would need to change school culture and principals who do not want to see chaos-kids socializing during class. Poor evals.
erniec @snbeach in order to make social learning happen we have to get a whole-school appreciation for what a GREAT classrooms look and act like
Carmen Tschofen
ctscho @snbeach Always somewhat stumped by idea that teachers can "make" kids think.
Wendy Drexler
WendyDrexler @snbeach Teachers feel that what they are doing is working. Hard to give up "tried and true". PD should be about experimenting.
Alfred Thompson
alfredtwo @snbeach How often to we hear people thinking that when kids are talking they are NOT learning? When it is often the way they do learn.
erniec @snbeach if your style has been to maintain a quite and orderly classroom this looks like chaos
Wendy Drexler
WendyDrexler @snbeach Do you think that control is part of a teacher personality?
Wendy Drexler
WendyDrexler @snbeach I think we're afraid that if we're not talking, they're not learning. Can't see that twinkle in the eye when they "get it".
Scott Elias
ScottElias @snbeach It's a lot of work & they don't see the value. Some believe that they are giving up the "power." That's where leadership comes in.
robclarke @snbeach I think it is insecurity
Jonbecker @snbeach have you read Dan Lortie's Schoolteacher?
Stuart Ciske
sjciske @snbeach Teachers teach the way the learned (and played old educ game) best and thus we have a system full of knowledge font people
Meg Ormiston
megormi @snbeach Add in the control question Unions setting the culture of control
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